Somos alumnos de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNNE, en la materia de "Derecho de la Navegacion" a cargo de la Dra. Liliana Moiraghi, innovando en la experiencia del uso de las TICS con miras al futuro.

Los invitamos a interiorizarse en el tema...


martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Reminder my gift for you..

Good day,
How are you? With A Great Gratitude, I Am happy Informing You That I Have Finally Succeeded In Completing The Transaction and transferred the amount. I have a gift package for you, Contact Pastor Kisky with Your Complete full names as it will be writing on the Cheque and your Current Address And Call Him To Send You The Cheque Here Is His Mobile Phone Number
+226-73965984 E-mail or

I Have Instructed Him To Release To You the Open Cheque Of USD300,000 Dollars ( Three Hundred Thousand Dollars) which he will be writing your name on the Cheque.Please I Want You To Accept It In Good Faith. I Really Appreciate All Your
Deed and I Pray That Almighty God Will Guide You Now and for ever Amen.

Bye For Now

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