Somos alumnos de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNNE, en la materia de "Derecho de la Navegacion" a cargo de la Dra. Liliana Moiraghi, innovando en la experiencia del uso de las TICS con miras al futuro.

Los invitamos a interiorizarse en el tema...


sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012


How are you?
My name is Eve. I am a female I come across your profile here, and I would like to add you as my friend and to establish a long lasting relationship with you.You can meet me at my email ID.please If you are interested in knowing more about me OK? so I can send you my picture and tell you more about me. I'll be waiting to hear from you with love,

Yours Lovely,


How are you?
My name is Eve. I am a female I come across your profile here, and I would like to add you as my friend and to establish a long lasting relationship with you.You can meet me at my email ID.please If you are interested in knowing more about me OK? so I can send you my picture and tell you more about me. I'll be waiting to hear from you with love,

Yours Lovely,