Somos alumnos de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNNE, en la materia de "Derecho de la Navegacion" a cargo de la Dra. Liliana Moiraghi, innovando en la experiencia del uso de las TICS con miras al futuro.

Los invitamos a interiorizarse en el tema...


lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Message Date: 21/11/2011

Hello lucky winner,

This email is to inform you that you are the winner of our online draws held on 1 November 2011.You have been approved to claim a total sum of Ђ 860,000.00 (Eight Hundred and Sixty Thousand Euro). For more information, email Mr. Christopher Kane via ( National Lottery Coordinator. Tel: 447 045 701 397.


Ms. Elizabeth Stallon,
UK National Lottery Inc
Copyright © 2011 UK National Lottery

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